AgencySparks First Hire - Stephanie Peterman

Posted by Joe on Thursday, May 1, 2014 Under: Setup
I am extremely proud and excited to announce that Stephanie Peterman has joined AgencySparks as our Director of Business Development

Stephanie left Engauge/Moxie a few months ago to join a small digital agency, and I immediately began talking to her about the idea of joining AgencySparks.  In case you do not know about Stephanie's very interesting career path, here are a few of the highlights:

  • Stephanie was a Journalism major at the prestigious Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.
  • After school, she moved to Atlanta and joined The List, Inc. where she rose the ranks (over four years) to become the Managing Editor of DailyVista, which is a subscription newsletter that researches and reports new business leads for marketing agencies throughout North America
  • Stephanie decided to make the leap into the agency world by joining a small design shop in Boulder, CO, where she helped the agency win clients such as Nike Swim, Adidas Eyewear, and Kettering University.
  • I recruited Stephanie to join Engauge (acquired by Publicis and now merged together with Moxie) as our Business Development and Marketing manager, with responsibilities to find and initiate introductions to major brands such as Papa John's, IMAX, POM Wonderful, Crate & Barrel, and Netflix.
  • Like me, Stephanie decided that the mega-holding company life was not for her, and so she joined a small digital agency here in Atlanta to head up their business development efforts.
  • As soon as I saw that she had left Engauge, I immediately contacted her to talk about how we could work together to help grow AgencySparks and serve independent marketing agencies to help them grow.
I could not be more excited about Stephanie joining the team!  Stephanie has a unique blend of skills (researching, interviewing, writing, and cold-calling) that makes her key to the success of the marketing agencies we are helping to grow.

Please help me welcome Stephanie to AgencySparks!

In : Setup 

Tags: "stephanie peterman"  agencysparks  "business development"   
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