Note: This post is the sixth in a (#JobSeeker) series that I am publishing to help those who are seeking their dream job. There are several tips that I feel incrementally increase your chance of being hired. These tips require hard work to implement, but the "sweat equity" will pay dividends when you land the job you have been coveting.
Asking for Referrals
We’ve all heard that in a job hunt, who you know is more important than what you know. Without a personal referral to pass your (hopefull... Continue reading ...
Venn Diagram and AgencySparks Venn series launch
Posted by Joe on Wednesday, August 6, 2014,
In :
I am a big fan of clever Venn Diagrams. Yesterday Google celebrated the 180th birthday of John Venn in one of their famous homepage doodles.
A few weeks ago I came across an excellent Venn diagram posted by LinkedIn CEO - Jeff Weiner:

I reposted the diagram on my LinkedIn profile, and as of today I have received over 150 Likes and a bunch of comments and re-shares.
The concept of a Venn diagram is so simple, but can be an effective way to explain how different ideas can be connected. Kati... Continue reading ...